The well known Jaguar, is the third largest cat in…
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The well known Jaguar, is the third largest cat in the world. They vary a lot in size, but very big males of 158kg have been recorded. There is two color variations of the Jaguar, the normal spotted form and the well known black form, which is called a panther.
This elusive cat ranges from northern central america and all the way down to paraguay in south america.
The population of the Jaguar have been declining tremendously because of agriculture and illegal hunting for skin and bones. It is now listed as a threatened species.
luckily we have had several sightings of jaguars on trail cameras set up by our Neighbor forest Bigai.
Oso is home to one of the most notorious species…
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Oso is home to one of the most notorious species of southamerican snakes – The Bushmaster. This is the biggest species of all the vipers in the world, and can grow to an impressive size of 3-4 meters in length.
As with other snakes in Oso, these bushmaster have an important place in the whole ecosystem, and is keeping the small mammal and bird population down.
Bullet Ant
The bullet Ant is a large species of ant that…
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Bullet Ant
The bullet Ant is a large species of ant that inhabits the rainforests of central and south america.
It is a well known animal in the Ecuadorian rainforests and is feared because of their incredible painfull sting. It is said to be just as painfull as if you were shot by a real bullet.
The nests are placed in the base of a tree, where up to 2000 workers daily forage its arboreal surroundings, to bring back nectar or live prey.